Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations in real space#
Author: Yuki Nagai
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We consider a superconductivity in a mean-field level.
Basic theory of superconductivity in real space#
Let us consider a Hamiltonian for a fermion system given as \(H = \psi^{\dagger} \hat{\cal H} \psi/2\). The column vector \(\psi\) is composed of \(N\) fermionic annihilation \(c_i\) and creation operators \(c_i^{\dagger}\) \((i = 1,2,\cdots,N)\), \(\psi = (\{ c_i \}^T, \{ c_i^{\dagger} \}^T)\), where \(\{ c_i \} = (c_1,c_2,\cdots,c_N)^T\) and \(\{ c_i^{\dagger} \} = (c_1^{\dagger},c_2^{\dagger},\cdots,c_N^{\dagger})\). The row vector \(\psi^{\dagger}\) is also defined as \(\psi^{\dagger} = (\{c_i^{\dagger} \}^T, \{ c_i \}^T)\). The subscription \(i\) in \(c_i\) or \(c_i^{\dagger}\) indicates a quantum index depending on spatial site, spin, orbital, etc. The “Hamiltonian” matrix \(\hat{\cal H}\) is a \(2N \times 2N\) Hermitian matrix given as
where \(\hat{H}\) is a normal state Hamiltonian and \(\hat{\Delta}\) is a superconducting order parameter.
The BdG equations are regarded as the eigenvalue equation with respect to \(\hat{\cal H}\) expressed as
The column vectors \(\vec{u}_{\gamma}\) and \(\vec{v}_{\gamma}\) are \(N\)-component complex vetors. To solve the BdG equations is equivalent to diagonalization of \(\hat{\cal H}\) with a unitary matrix \(\hat{U}\),
Mean-fields are calculated by one-particle Green’s functions. In the mean-field framework, the \(2N \times 2N\) matrix Green’s function with a complex frequency is defined as
With the unitary matrix \(\hat{U}\), each component of \(\hat{G}(z)\) is epressed as
If we set \(z = i \omega_n\) with the Matsubara frequency \(\omega_n = (2n+1)\pi T\), the above formula corresponds to Matsubara temperature Green’s function. The regarded and advanced Green’s functions are, respectively, defined as
In order to obtain physical quantities (e.g., density of states) from Green’s functions, we introduce the following useful \(2N\)-component unit-vectors \(\vec{e}(i)\) and \(\vec{h}(i)\) \((1 \le i \le N)\), which are, respectively, defined as
For example, the local density of states with respect to the site \(i\) is given as
with the use of the spectral function \(\hat{d}(\omega)\) defined as
Two types of mean-fields \(\langle c_i^{\dagger} c_j \rangle\) and \(\langle c_i c_j \rangle\) can be expressed as
with \(f(x) \equiv 1/(e^{x/T} + 1)\).
Matsubara frequency representation#
With the use of the analytic continuation, the mean-fields are rewritten as
By solving the linear equations defined as
the superconducting mean-field is expressed as
For example, s-wave superconducting order parameter is defined as
The self-consistent cycle has the schematic form
Reduced-shifted Conjugation Gradient method#
The reduced-shifted conugate-gradient (RSCG) method is numerically efficient to calculate a matrix element of a Green’s function defined as a resolvent of a Hamiltonian operator, by solving linear equations with desired accuracy. The matrix elements with different frequencies are simultaneously obtained. The details are described in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 86
, 014708 (2017). The RSCG method is provided in RSCG.jl package.
IR basis#
The superconducting mean-fielads are expressed as
Since the Matsubara Green’s function is expressed as
one can obtain \(G_l\) by fitting the above equation.
Two-dimensional s-wave superconductor on the square lattice#
The normal state Hamiltonian on the tight-binding model is expressed as
Here, \(t_{ij} = -t\) if \(j\) is a nearest neighbor for \(i\). The matrix form of the above Hamiltonain is expressed as
where \(\hat{T}_{+x}\) is a hopping matrix with respect to \(+x\) direction.
In Julia code, this Hamiltonian matrix is defined as
# Check if a given function called with given types is type stable
function typestable(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(t))
v = code_typed(f, t)
stable = true
for vi in v
for (name, ty) in zip(vi[1].slotnames, vi[1].slottypes)
!(ty isa Type) && continue
if ty === Any
stable = false
println("Type instability is detected! the variable is $(name) ::$ty")
return stable
using SparseArrays
using LinearAlgebra
function make_x_plushop(Nx,Ny,BC)
N = Nx*Ny
Txhop = spzeros(Int64,N,N)
for ix=1:Nx
for iy=1:Ny
i = (iy-1)*Nx + ix
jx = ix + 1
jy = iy
if BC == "PBC"
jx += ifelse(jx > Nx,-Nx,0)
elseif BC == "OBC"
error("BC = $BC is not supported")
if 1 <= jx <= Nx
j = (jy-1)*Nx + jx
Txhop[i,j] = 1
return Txhop
function make_x_minushop(Nx,Ny,BC)
N = Nx*Ny
Txhop = spzeros(Int64,N,N)
for ix=1:Nx
for iy=1:Ny
i = (iy-1)*Nx + ix
jx = ix - 1
jy = iy
if BC == "PBC"
jx += ifelse(jx < 1,Nx,0)
elseif BC == "OBC"
error("BC = $BC is not supported")
if 1 <= jx <= Nx
j = (jy-1)*Nx + jx
Txhop[i,j] = 1
return Txhop
function make_y_plushop(Nx,Ny,BC)
N = Nx*Ny
Tyhop = spzeros(Int64,N,N)
for ix=1:Nx
for iy=1:Ny
i = (iy-1)*Nx + ix
jx = ix
jy = iy + 1
if BC == "PBC"
jy += ifelse(jy > Ny,-Ny,0)
elseif BC == "OBC"
error("BC = $BC is not supported")
if 1 <= jy <= Ny
j = (jy-1)*Nx + jx
Tyhop[i,j] = 1
return Tyhop
function make_y_minushop(Nx,Ny,BC)
N = Nx*Ny
Tyhop = spzeros(Int64,N,N)
for ix=1:Nx
for iy=1:Ny
i = (iy-1)*Nx + ix
jx = ix
jy = iy - 1
if BC == "PBC"
jy += ifelse(jy < 1,Ny,0)
elseif BC == "OBC"
error("BC = $BC is not supported")
if 1 <= jy <= Ny
j = (jy-1)*Nx + jx
Tyhop[i,j] = 1
return Tyhop
function make_H_normal(Nx,Ny,μ,BC)
N = Nx*Ny
Tx_plushop = make_x_plushop(Nx,Ny,BC)
Tx_minushop = make_x_minushop(Nx,Ny,BC)
Ty_plushop = make_y_plushop(Nx,Ny,BC)
Ty_minushop = make_y_minushop(Nx,Ny,BC)
HN = sparse(I,N,N)*(-μ)
t = 1.0
HN += -t*(Tx_plushop + Tx_minushop + Ty_plushop + Ty_minushop)
return HN
@assert typestable(make_x_plushop,(Int64,Int64,String))
@assert typestable(make_x_minushop,(Int64,Int64,String))
@assert typestable(make_y_plushop,(Int64,Int64,String))
@assert typestable(make_y_minushop,(Int64,Int64,String))
The onsite superconducting s-wave order parameter is defined as
function make_Δ(Δ)
Nx,Ny = size(Δ)
N = Nx*Ny
Δmat = spzeros(ComplexF64,N,N)
for ix=1:Nx
for iy=1:Ny
i = (iy-1)*Nx + ix
Δmat[i,i] = Δ[ix,iy]
return Δmat
@assert typestable(make_Δ,(Matrix{ComplexF64},))
The BdG Hamiltonian is defined as
function make_H_sc(Nx,Ny,μ,Δ,BC)
HN = make_H_normal(Nx,Ny,μ,BC)
matΔ = make_Δ(Δ)
H = [
HN matΔ
matΔ' -conj.(HN)
return H
@assert typestable(make_H_sc,(Int64,Int64,Float64,Matrix{ComplexF64},String))
We have to update the order parameters in the self-consistent cycle. The update method is implemented as
function update_H_sc!(H,Δ)
matΔ = make_Δ(Δ)
Nx,Ny = size(Δ)
N = Nx*Ny
H[1:N,1+N:2N] = matΔ
H[1+N:2N,1:N] = matΔ'
@assert typestable(update_H_sc!,(AbstractMatrix{ComplexF64},Matrix{ComplexF64}))
Conventional method with Matsubara frequencies#
If one wants to use the Matsubara frequencies, one has to introduce the cutoff of the frequencies. Then the mean-fields are expressed as
Here, \(n_c\) is a cutoff value. With the use of the maximum frequency \(\omega_c\), we calculate the set of Matsubara frequencies defined as
function calc_ωn(T,ωc)
M = Int((round(ωc/(T*π)))/2-1)
println("num. of Matsubara freq: ",2M)
ωn = zeros(ComplexF64,2M)
for n=1:2M
ωn[n] = π*T*(2.0*(n-M-1)+1)*im
return ωn
@assert typestable(calc_ωn,(Float64,Float64))
ωc = 100π
T = 0.01
ωn = calc_ωn(T,ωc)
num. of Matsubara freq: 9998
9998-element Vector{ComplexF64}:
-0.0 - 314.06501757937167im
-0.0 - 314.00218572629984im
-0.0 - 313.9393538732281im
-0.0 - 313.87652202015624im
-0.0 - 313.8136901670845im
-0.0 - 313.75085831401265im
-0.0 - 313.6880264609409im
-0.0 - 313.62519460786905im
-0.0 - 313.5623627547973im
-0.0 - 313.4995309017255im
-0.0 - 313.4366990486537im
-0.0 - 313.3738671955819im
-0.0 - 313.3110353425101im
0.0 + 313.3738671955819im
0.0 + 313.4366990486537im
0.0 + 313.4995309017255im
0.0 + 313.5623627547973im
0.0 + 313.62519460786905im
0.0 + 313.6880264609409im
0.0 + 313.75085831401265im
0.0 + 313.8136901670845im
0.0 + 313.87652202015624im
0.0 + 313.9393538732281im
0.0 + 314.00218572629984im
0.0 + 314.06501757937167im
With the use of RSCG.jl, the mean-fields are calculated by
using Pkg
Pkg.add(PackageSpec(name="RSCG", version = "0.1.2"))
using RSCG
Resolving package versions...
No Changes to `~/.julia/environments/v1.9/Project.toml`
No Changes to `~/.julia/environments/v1.9/Manifest.toml`
function calc_Δi!(i,N,H,Δold,T,U,ωn;mixratio = 0.5)
j = i + N
Gij = greensfunctions(i,j,ωn,H)
Δi = U*T*sum(Gij)
Δi = (1-mixratio)*Δold[i] + mixratio*Δi
return Δi
@assert typestable(calc_Δi!,(Int64,Int64,AbstractMatrix{ComplexF64},Matrix{ComplexF64},Float64,Float64,Vector{ComplexF64}))
function calc_Δ!(Δnew,H,Δold,T,U,ωn;mixratio = 0.5)
Nx,Ny = size(Δold)
N = Nx*Ny
map!(i -> calc_Δi!(i,N,H,Δold,T,U,ωn,mixratio = mixratio),Δnew,1:N) #If you use pmap! instead of map!, you can do the parallel computation.
@assert typestable(calc_Δi!,(AbstractMatrix{ComplexF64},Matrix{ComplexF64},Float64,Float64,Vector{ComplexF64}))
Then, we can construct the BdG Hamiltonian matrix.
Nx = 8
Ny = 8
Δ = ones(ComplexF64,Nx,Ny)
Δold = copy(Δ)
Δnew = zero(Δ)
BC = "OBC" #open boundary condition
#BC = "PBC" #periodic boundary condition
U =-2
μ = -0.2
H = make_H_sc(Nx,Ny,μ,Δ,BC)
128×128 SparseMatrixCSC{ComplexF64, Int64} with 704 stored entries:
The self-consistent loop is defined as
itemax = 100
ix = Nx ÷ 2
iy = Ny ÷ 2
for ite = 1:itemax
eps = sum(abs.(Δnew-Δold))/sum(abs.(Δold))
println("$ite $eps ",Δnew[ix,iy])
Δold .= Δnew
if eps < 1e-3
1 0.19022941762340817 0.8018647273876987 + 0.0im
2 0.15123442982656063 0.674653022641663 + 0.0im
3 0.11957205212486025 0.589596797219806 - 5.293955920339377e-25im
4 0.09424713927918395 0.5308635372889943 + 3.970466940254533e-24im
5 0.07417361359379145 0.48926476258517093 + 1.9852334701272663e-24im
6 0.05834520068959513 0.4592081174486282 + 1.5220123270975708e-24im
7 0.0458979462622344 0.437146852174492 + 7.3619074517219455e-25im
8 0.03612064429598342 0.42075099653803383 + 4.177262093392789e-25im
9 0.028441883519312965 0.4084438556031036 - 8.261466367873364e-24im
10 0.022409027712510025 0.39913169403298343 - 4.1638204084388034e-24im
11 0.017666264771733595 0.3920398625330299 - 2.0901820103449318e-24im
12 0.013934920454239436 0.38661027271623244 - 1.0285473929214053e-24im
13 0.010997079557253684 0.38243510651602697 - 5.101377933979375e-25im
14 0.00868234585336176 0.37921283781072723 - 1.3138600807668442e-24im
15 0.0068573942739070855 0.37671838596315144 - 9.152074931303016e-24im
16 0.005417746377601394 0.374782341949813 - 4.857278873919537e-24im
17 0.004281510158206325 0.3732763752819832 - 2.4617266614618897e-24im
18 0.0033843513340726023 0.37210271002493217 - 1.2287953791995623e-24im
19 0.0026757083399357364 0.3711865098596343 - 2.0080738332326733e-25im
20 0.002115794136491162 0.3704702697211746 + 1.642941043553352e-25im
21 0.0016732885754822536 0.3699096269357205 + 6.560343992660704e-26im
22 0.001323477168596026 0.3694702916891107 + 4.336709142763973e-21im
23 0.0010469105457190362 0.3691256761125573 + 2.168222222483978e-21im
24 0.000828206739947293 0.3688551232542179 + 5.43040756280999e-21im
IR based method#
IR based method for BdG equations is shown in arXiv:2111.13288. In this paper, we use the ultra-fast method (J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 89, 074703 (2020)). In this notebook, we do not use the ultra-fast method for simplicity.
We use the SparseIR package. The sampling Matsubara frequencies are obtained as
using SparseIR
import SparseIR: valueim
wmax = 10.0
beta = 1/T
basis = FiniteTempBasis(Fermionic(), beta, wmax, 1e-7)
smpl = MatsubaraSampling(basis)
ωn_s = valueim.(smpl.sampling_points, beta)
println("num. of Matsubara freqs. ", length(ωn_s))
smpl_beta = TauSampling(basis; sampling_points=[beta])
num. of Matsubara freqs. 40
TauSampling64 with sampling points:
The mean-fields are obtained by
function fit_ir(Gij,smpl_Matsubara,smpl_beta)
gl = fit(smpl_Matsubara, Gij)
G0 = evaluate(smpl_beta, gl)
return -G0[1]
@assert typestable(fit_ir,(Vector{ComplexF64},typeof(smpl),typeof(smpl_beta)))
function calc_Δi_ir!(i,N,H,Δold,T,U,ωn,smpl_Matsubara,smpl_beta;mixratio = 0.5)
j = i + N
Gij = greensfunctions(i,j,ωn,H)
G0 = fit_ir(Gij,smpl_Matsubara,smpl_beta)
Δi = U*G0
Δi = (1-mixratio)*Δold[i] + mixratio*Δi
return Δi
@assert typestable(calc_Δi_ir!,(Int64,Int64,AbstractMatrix{ComplexF64},Matrix{ComplexF64},Float64,
function calc_Δ_ir!(Δnew,H,Δold,T,U,ωn,smpl_Matsubara,smpl_beta;mixratio = 0.5)
Nx,Ny = size(Δold)
N = Nx*Ny
map!(i -> calc_Δi_ir!(i,N,H,Δold,T,U,ωn,smpl_Matsubara,smpl_beta,mixratio = mixratio),Δnew,1:N) #If you use pmap! instead of map!, you can do the parallel computation.
@assert typestable(calc_Δ_ir!,(Matrix{ComplexF64},AbstractMatrix{ComplexF64},Matrix{ComplexF64},Float64,
Then, the self-consistent cycle is expressed as
Nx = 8
Ny = 8
Δ = ones(ComplexF64,Nx,Ny)
Δold = copy(Δ)
Δnew = zero(Δ)
BC = "OBC" #open boundary condition
#BC = "PBC" #periodic boundary condition
U =-2
μ = -0.2
H = make_H_sc(Nx,Ny,μ,Δ,BC)
for ite = 1:itemax
eps = sum(abs.(Δnew-Δold))/sum(abs.(Δold))
println("$ite $eps ",Δnew[ix,iy])
Δold .= Δnew
if eps < 1e-4
1 0.1892161509461065 0.802878002123697 + 5.1557014979967645e-15im
2 0.150457979742895 0.6761326661696428 + 8.80983446052722e-15im
3 0.11898342486253458 0.5912904905536116 + 1.1488969651458835e-14im
4 0.0938032473327619 0.53265062730773 + 1.36657787201322e-14im
5 0.07383909072789409 0.4910866442832549 + 1.5569812951557572e-14im
6 0.05809241718246723 0.46103660085752246 + 1.7316895756868512e-14im
7 0.045706075191968086 0.438968929955149 + 1.911084338070148e-14im
8 0.03597424649498475 0.42256138584784747 + 2.0816526501213613e-14im
9 0.02832962425037164 0.41024116094347957 + 2.2474140822765472e-14im
10 0.022322530136773537 0.4009163619921634 + 2.419859729045251e-14im
11 0.017599332806191432 0.39381318906681373 + 2.596154136173753e-14im
12 0.013882932462044332 0.38837383352689137 + 2.765655138431156e-14im
13 0.010956570683617188 0.38419047851437443 + 2.943415894266075e-14im
14 0.008650706161258915 0.3809614754470959 + 3.1318193734686775e-14im
15 0.006832626218315066 0.37846154488904854 + 3.312705753896783e-14im
16 0.0053983225650163745 0.3765210964282115 + 3.498846581066755e-14im
17 0.0042662593924301375 0.3750116105891038 + 3.688766937567821e-14im
18 0.003372364638144916 0.3738351578380946 + 3.8794368679948055e-14im
19 0.0026662729485389196 0.37291675708548355 + 4.070300590892883e-14im
20 0.002108364299556271 0.37219877984003114 + 4.261968936617414e-14im
21 0.001667435271313639 0.3716367824732472 + 4.458369766355874e-14im
22 0.00131887096198135 0.37119637973635533 + 4.652715264787316e-14im
23 0.0010432770147928159 0.3708509406768796 + 4.8515735671392577e-14im
24 0.0008253431958382265 0.37057974003225014 + 5.054818747338997e-14im
25 0.0006529806704441708 0.37036665778602185 + 5.242669158398389e-14im
26 0.0005166496548387234 0.37019912241236475 + 5.4379927189697203e-14im
27 0.0004088023162402707 0.37006731470363485 + 5.630857374673937e-14im
28 0.0003234837873061463 0.36996355525718533 + 5.831334529613167e-14im
29 0.00025598222056606067 0.36988183592735135 + 6.026286444587446e-14im
30 0.00020257508040952168 0.3698174438375502 + 6.22325251854875e-14im
31 0.00016031110419138027 0.3697666830800834 + 6.426439743110256e-14im
32 0.0001268713459379015 0.3697266628159944 + 6.624610158104896e-14im
33 0.00010040920450751594 0.3696950766236306 + 6.82222249372604e-14im
34 7.946979714649064e-5 0.3696701575393463 + 7.018612390051859e-14im
Let us show the superconducting order parameter in real space. Since we consider the open boundary condition, the mean-field becomes large at four corner due to an interference effect.
using Plots
xlabel = "ix",
ylabel = "iy",
zlabel = "|Delta|")
We plot the local density of states at the center.
M = 1000
σ = zeros(ComplexF64,M)
η = 0.05
σmin = -4.0 + im*η
σmax = 4.0+ im*η
for i=1:M
σ[i] = (i-1)*(σmax-σmin)/(M-1) + σmin
i = (iy-1)*Nx + ix
j = i
Gij1 = greensfunctions(i,j,σ,H)
xlabel = "Energy [t]",
ylabel = "Local DOS",)
Two-dimensional topological s-wave superconductor on the square lattice#
We consider topological superconductivity. The s-wave superconductor becomes topologically non-trivial when there are Zeeman magnetic fields and Rashba spin-orbit coupling. The Hamiltonian in momentum space is given as
with \( h_0(\vec{k}) = \epsilon(\vec{k}) - h \sigma_z + \alpha {\cal L}(\vec{k})\). The band dispersion is \(\epsilon(\vec{k}) = -2 t (\cos k_x + \cos k_y) - \mu\). The Zeeman magnetic field is \(h\). The Rashba spin-orbit term is described by \(\alpha {\cal L}(\vec{k}) = \alpha (\sigma_x \sin k_y - \sigma_y \sin k_x)\). Here, \(\sigma_{x,y,z}\) are the Pauli matrices.
By Fourier transforming this Hamiltonian, we have the Hamiltonian defined in real space.
We difine the Pauli matrices.
const σ0 = [1 0
0 1]
const σx = [0 1
1 0]
const σy = [0 -im
im 0]
const σz = [1 0
0 -1]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
1 0
0 -1
We can construct the Hamiltonian with the use of the kron
function make_Htsc_normal(Nx,Ny,μ,BC,h,α)
N = Nx*Ny
Tx_plushop = make_x_plushop(Nx,Ny,BC)
Tx_minushop = make_x_minushop(Nx,Ny,BC)
Ty_plushop = make_y_plushop(Nx,Ny,BC)
Ty_minushop = make_y_minushop(Nx,Ny,BC)
HN = kron(sparse(I,N,N)*(-μ),σ0)
HN += kron(sparse(I,N,N)*(-h),σz) #Zeeman magnetic field
t = 1.0
HN += kron(-t*(Tx_plushop + Tx_minushop + Ty_plushop + Ty_minushop),σ0)
Hax = kron((α/(2im))*(Tx_plushop - Tx_minushop ) ,σy)
HN += Hax
Hay = kron((α/(2im))*(Ty_plushop - Ty_minushop ) ,σx)
HN += Hay
return HN
@assert typestable(make_Htsc_normal,(Int64,Int64,Float64,String,Float64,Float64))
We also define the superconducting order parameter:
function make_Δtsc(Δ)
Nx,Ny = size(Δ)
N = Nx*Ny
Δmat = spzeros(ComplexF64,N,N)
for ix=1:Nx
for iy=1:Ny
i = (iy-1)*Nx + ix
Δmat[i,i] = Δ[ix,iy]
return kron(Δmat,im*σy)
@assert typestable(make_Δtsc,(Matrix{ComplexF64},))
Then, the superconducting BdG Hamiltonian is defined as
function make_Htsc_sc(Nx,Ny,μ,Δ,BC,h,α)
HN = make_Htsc_normal(Nx,Ny,μ,BC,h,α)
matΔ = make_Δtsc(Δ)
H = [
HN matΔ
matΔ' -conj.(HN)
return H
@assert typestable( make_Htsc_sc,(Int64,Int64,Float64,Matrix{ComplexF64},String,Float64,Float64))
The update method is implimanted as
function update_Htsc_sc!(H,Δ)
matΔ = make_Δtsc(Δ)
N,_ = size(matΔ)
H[1:N,1+N:2N] = matΔ
H[1+N:2N,1:N] = matΔ'
@assert typestable(update_Htsc_sc!,(AbstractMatrix{ComplexF64},Matrix{ComplexF64}))
The mean-fields are calculated as
function calc_Δitsc_ir!(i,N,H,Δold,T,U,ωn,smpl_Matsubara,smpl_beta;mixratio = 0.5)
ispin = 1
ii = (i-1)*2 + ispin
jspin = 2
jj = (i-1)*2 + jspin + N
Gij = greensfunctions(ii,jj,ωn,H)
G0 = fit_ir(Gij,smpl_Matsubara,smpl_beta)
Δi = U*G0
Δi = (1-mixratio)*Δold[i] + mixratio*Δi
return Δi
@assert typestable(calc_Δitsc_ir!,(Int64,Int64,AbstractMatrix{ComplexF64},Matrix{ComplexF64},Float64,
function calc_Δtsc_ir!(Δnew,H,Δold,T,U,ωn,smpl_Matsubara,smpl_beta,;mixratio = 0.5)
Nx,Ny = size(Δold)
N = Nx*Ny*2
map!(i -> calc_Δitsc_ir!(i,N,H,Δold,T,U,ωn,smpl_Matsubara,smpl_beta,mixratio = mixratio),Δnew,1:Nx*Ny) #If you use pmap! instead of map!, you can do the parallel computation.
@assert typestable(calc_Δtsc_ir!,(Matrix{ComplexF64},AbstractMatrix{ComplexF64},Matrix{ComplexF64},Float64,
Then, we can solve the gap equations, self-consistently.
T = 0.01
beta = 1/T
wmax = 10.0
basis = FiniteTempBasis(Fermionic(), beta, wmax, 1e-5)
smpl = MatsubaraSampling(basis)
ωn = valueim.(smpl.sampling_points, beta)
println("num. of Matsubara freqs. ", length(ωn))
smpl_beta = TauSampling(basis; sampling_points=[beta])
U =-5.6
itemax = 1000
μ = 3.5
Nx = 16
Ny = 16
Δ = 3*ones(ComplexF64,Nx,Ny)
Δold = copy(Δ)
Δnew = zero(Δ)
BC = "OBC"
h = 1
α = 1
Htsc = make_Htsc_sc(Nx,Ny,μ,Δold,BC,h,α)
ix = Nx ÷ 2
iy = Ny ÷ 2
i = (iy-1)*Nx + ix
j = i
for ite = 1:itemax
calc_Δtsc_ir!(Δnew,Htsc,Δold,T,U,ωn,smpl,smpl_beta,mixratio =1)
eps = sum(abs.(Δnew-Δold))/sum(abs.(Δold))
println("$ite $eps ",Δnew[ix,iy]," ave: ",sum(abs.(Δnew))/length(Δnew))
Δold .= Δnew
if eps < 1e-2
num. of Matsubara freqs. 30
1 0.3728272031663908
1.8802286062787428 - 2.0820223413844377e-14im ave: 1.881518390621739
2 0.209650742337318
1.4861198287726276 - 4.1994906540563243e-14im ave: 1.487056674283118
3 0.13563820774942764
1.2830170207309182 + 5.330995289932512e-11im ave: 1.285355106302483
4 0.0972523161393226
1.1552868452410636 + 9.360232193763436e-11im ave: 1.160352015478455
5 0.07521015828299601
1.0644744390740428 + 1.3505422426207966e-10im ave: 1.073083747489175
6 0.061407911146092134
0.9944949237648685 + 3.187116676857662e-10im ave: 1.0071922114897494
7 0.05209959327112454
0.9375697912624816 + 2.1840368945497596e-10im ave: 0.9547254445659928
8 0.045387786732905486
0.8895959968259813 + 8.589252120964344e-10im ave: 0.9114040608700399
9 0.040235385603407746
0.8482975309024207 + 6.149690686266491e-10im ave: 0.8747492182231559
10 0.03604857295301986
0.8123534577627265 + 5.363451072088602e-10im ave: 0.8432360731227039
11 0.032483965845227475
0.7809373993867752 + 1.3742306379620742e-9im ave: 0.8158690564865609
12 0.029346577429457656
0.753468568363905 + 1.2249706269931202e-9im ave: 0.7919547202670784
13 0.026528633201899812
0.7294847550366632 + 4.971410872983914e-10im ave: 0.7709774248320779
14 0.023971221111683563
0.7085845368809598 + 3.994809620796865e-9im ave: 0.7525313875314211
15 0.02164101478045089
0.6904049991209833 + 2.0900670310153102e-9im ave: 0.7362836093595521
16 0.019517048344906647
0.6746151741872749 + 2.8943543563028365e-9im ave: 0.7219533098453342
17 0.017583787467650016
0.6609149179468176 + 2.395281042460369e-9im ave: 0.7092999501530032
18 0.015827817555811634
0.6490347990709716 + 1.8982173679248344e-9im ave: 0.6981156722522183
19 0.014236470218860176
0.6387354469860635 + 1.6104222136288922e-9im ave: 0.6882200292928654
20 0.012797342842268314
0.6298060229427608 + 1.5025395536408356e-9im ave: 0.6794560021896339
21 0.011498269632515516
0.622062112513023 + 1.910165114608555e-9im ave: 0.671686771373637
22 0.010327447944612272
0.6153432312811634 + 1.909253025728951e-9im ave: 0.6647929940233683
23 0.00927356128937015
0.6095102715610458 + 1.2549056646787305e-9im ave: 0.6586704815714025
The superconducting order parameter is shown as
using Plots
xlabel = "ix",
ylabel = "iy",
zlabel = "|Delta|")
We can see that the order parametere oscillates due to the Fridel oscillation.
The local density of states at the center is calculated as
using Plots
M = 1000
σ = zeros(ComplexF64,M)
η = 0.01
σmin = -4.0 + im*η
σmax = 4.0+ im*η
for i=1:M
σ[i] = (i-1)*(σmax-σmin)/(M-1) + σmin
ix = Nx ÷ 2
iy = Ny ÷ 2
ispin =1
i = (( iy-1)*Nx + ix-1)*2 + ispin
j = i
Gij1 = greensfunctions(i,j,σ,Htsc)
ispin =2
i = (( iy-1)*Nx + ix-1)*2 + ispin
j = i
Gij2 = greensfunctions(i,j,σ,Htsc)
plot(real.(σ),(-1/π)*imag.(Gij1 .+ Gij2),
xlabel = "Energy [t]",
ylabel = "Local DOS",)
At the edge, there are mid-gap states since this is topologically non-trivial state. We can see the local density of states at the edge.
ix = 1
iy = Ny ÷ 2
ispin =1
i = (( iy-1)*Nx + ix-1)*2 + ispin
j = i
Gij1 = greensfunctions(i,j,σ,Htsc)
ispin =2
i = (( iy-1)*Nx + ix-1)*2 + ispin
j = i
Gij2 = greensfunctions(i,j,σ,Htsc)
plot(real.(σ),(-1/π)*imag.(Gij1 .+ Gij2),
xlabel = "Energy [t]",
ylabel = "Local DOS",)
We can see there are mid-gap states.