6. Output files

After computation is done, numerical results are stored in directory output.

6.1. List of files

├── spectrum.dat
├── pade.dat
├── lambda_dep.dat
├── find_lambda_opt.dat
├── SV.dat
├── lambda_opt
│   ├── iter.dat
│   ├── x_sv.dat
│   ├── x_tw.dat
│   ├── y_sv.dat
│   └── y_tw.dat
├── lambda
│   ├── lambda_1.00e+00
│   │   ├── iter.dat
│   │   ├── x_sv.dat
│   │   ├── x_tw.dat
│   │   ├── y_sv.dat
│   │   └── y_tw.dat
│   ├── lambda_1.58e+00
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   ├── ...
│   (for all values of lambda)

The four files just below the output directory summarize the results. More detailed results for a given value lambda are stored in directory lambda_* In particular, the directory lambda_opt is for the optimal values of lambda, and the other directories ending with numbers, e.g. lambda_1.00e+00, contain results for the specific value of lambda.

6.2. Details of each files

Each files stores list of real numbers separated with a white space. Some comments may be given at the header of files (lines beginning with ‘#’).

  • spectrum.dat

    Real frequency spectrum \rho(\omega) for the optimal value of \lambda. This is the final solution.

    • 1st column: \omega_i

    • 2nd column: \rho(\omega_i)

    ex.) calculated results for fermion sample outputted as samples/fermion/output/spectrum.dat.

    # lambda=1.585e-02  (l=19)
    -4.00000e+00 0.00000e+00
    -3.99200e+00 0.00000e+00
    -3.98400e+00 0.00000e+00
    -3.97600e+00 0.00000e+00
  • spectrum.dat

    Real frequency spectrum \rho(\omega) calculated by the Pade approximant.

    • 1st column: \omega_i

    • 2nd column: \rho(\omega_i) from G(tau) in filein_G.

    • 3rd column: The expectation value of \rho(\omega_i) over the generated NSamplePade samples with independent noise.

    • 4th column: The sample standard deviation of \rho(\omega_i) over the generated NsamplePade samples with independent noise.

  • lambda_dep.dat

    Several quantities as a function of lambda.

    • 1st column: \lambda

    • 2nd column: Square error in the SV basis, \| \bm{y}'-S\bm{x}' \|_2^2 (the first term in F)

    • 3rd column: Square error computed in the original basis, \| \bm{y}-K\bm{x} \|_2^2

    • 4th column: L0 norm of \bm{x}', \| \bm{x}' \|_0 (the number of non-zero components in \bm{x}')

    • 5th column: L1 norm of \bm{x}', \| \bm{x}' \|_1 (the second term in F)

    • 6th column: not used

    ex.) calculated results for fermion sample outputted as samples/fermion/output/lambda_dep.dat.

    1.00000e+02 1.09110e-01 1.13080e-01 2 4.81361e-02 0.00000e+00
    6.30957e+01 1.08854e-01 1.12824e-01 2 4.81376e-02 0.00000e+00
    3.98107e+01 1.08752e-01 1.12722e-01 2 4.81386e-02 0.00000e+00
    2.51189e+01 1.08710e-01 1.12679e-01 2 4.81394e-02 0.00000e+00
    1.58489e+01 1.08609e-01 1.12578e-01 2 4.81459e-02 0.00000e+00
  • find_lambda_opt.dat

    Auxiliary data that are used to determine the optimal value of lambda. See our original paper Phys. Rev. E 95, 061302(R) (2017) for details.

    • 1st column: \log_{10}(\lambda)

    • 2nd column: \log_{10}(f(x)/\chi^2)

    • 3rd column: \log_{10}(\chi^2)

    • 4th column: \log_{10}(f(x))

    ex.) calculated results for fermion sample outputted as samples/fermion/output/find_lambda_opt.dat.

    # log(x)  diff  log(y)  log(f(x))  [all in log10 scale]
    2.00000e+00 1.92865e-16 -9.621340e-01 -9.621340e-01
    1.80000e+00 -8.94525e-02 -9.631547e-01 -1.052607e+00
    1.60000e+00 -1.79519e-01 -9.635618e-01 -1.143080e+00
    1.40000e+00 -2.69822e-01 -9.637317e-01 -1.233554e+00
  • SV.dat

    Singular values of the kernel K(\tau, \omega).

    • 1st column: index l (starting from 0)

    • 2nd column: The singular value S_l in descending order

    ex.) calculated results for fermion sample outputted as samples/fermion/output/SV.dat.

    0 1.07898e+02
    1 9.75830e+01
    2 6.93652e+01
    3 5.27590e+01
    4 3.57046e+01
  • iter.dat

    Several quantities as a function of the iteration number. The 2nd–6th quantities should be small.

    • 1st column: iteration (starting from 1)

    • 2nd column: \| \bm{x}'(n) - \bm{x}'(n-1) \|_1

    • 3rd column: primary residual error for the constraint \bm{z}'=\bm{x}', \| \bm{z}'-\bm{x}' \|_2

    • 4th column: dual residual error for the constraint \bm{z}'=\bm{x}', || \bm{z}'(n) - \bm{z}'(n-1) ||_2

    • 5th column: primary residual error for the constraint \bm{z}=V\bm{x}', \| \bm{z}-V\bm{x}' \|_2

    • 6th column: dual residual error for the constraint \bm{z}=V\bm{x}', \| \bm{z}(n) - \bm{z}(n-1) \|_2

    • 7th column: Square error in the SV basis (the quantity of 2nd column in lambda_dep.dat)

    • 8th column: \| \bm{x} \|_1' (the quantity of 4th column in lambda_dep.dat)

    • 9th column: sum of spectrum, \langle V\bm{x}' \rangle

    • 10th column: negative weight in the spectrum V\bm{x}'

    ex.) calculated results for fermion sample outputted as samples/fermion/output/lambda_opt/iter.dat.

    # iter  diff(x,x_old)  res1_pri res1_dual res2_pri res2_dual  RMSE L1_norm sum(x) negative_weight
    1 3.854841e-03 2.119714e-03 1.369725e-04 5.289078e-04 4.523259e-04 5.618012e-05 9.396320e-02 1.000546e+00 3.481495e-03
    2 2.399056e-03 1.526513e-03 3.273800e-05 4.131063e-04 6.433491e-04 5.652371e-05 9.203257e-02 1.000546e+00 2.717878e-03
    3 2.166172e-03 1.024876e-03 1.232067e-05 4.091785e-04 6.751225e-04 5.686296e-05 9.031303e-02 1.000546e+00 3.234967e-03
    4 1.425573e-03 8.163075e-04 4.198961e-06 3.879910e-04 4.450555e-04 5.711656e-05 8.963409e-02 1.000546e+00 3.396003e-03
  • x_sv.dat

    spectrum in the SV basis (solution of the minimization problem)

    • 1st column: The singular value index l

    • 2nd column: x'_l

    • 3rd column: z'_l (must be sparse)

    • 4th column: V^{\rm t}\bm{z}

    ex.) calculated results for fermion sample outputted as samples/fermion/output/lambda_opt/x_sv.dat.

    0 -4.61300e-02 -4.61300e-02 -4.61492e-02
    1 1.14335e-06 0.00000e+00 -5.52982e-06
    2 -6.65757e-03 -6.65757e-03 -6.69485e-03
    3 -2.29934e-05 0.00000e+00 -1.16960e-05
    4 -3.21754e-03 -3.21754e-03 -3.16677e-03
  • x_tw.dat

    spectrum rho(omega) in the real-frequency domain

    • 1st column: \omega_i

    • 2nd column: V\bm{x}'

    • 3rd column: V\bm{z}' (final result for a given lambda when non-negativity is not imposed)

    • 4th column: \bm{z} (final result for a given lambda when non-negativity is imposed)

    ex.) calculated results for fermion sample outputted as samples/fermion/output/lambda_opt/x_tw.dat.

    -4.00000e+00 8.98641e-04 3.95646e-03 0.00000e+00
    -3.99200e+00 8.73662e-04 3.79795e-03 0.00000e+00
    -3.98400e+00 8.41470e-04 3.64070e-03 0.00000e+00
    -3.97600e+00 8.02778e-04 3.48473e-03 0.00000e+00
    -3.96800e+00 7.58271e-04 3.33005e-03 0.00000e+00
  • y_sv.dat

    input data transformed into the SV basis

    • 1st column: The singular value index l

    • 2nd column: y'_l computed by U^{\rm t} \bm{y}

    • 3rd column: S\bm{x}'

    • 4th column: S\bm{z}'

    ex.) calculated results for fermion sample outputted as samples/fermion/output/lambda_opt/y_sv.dat.

    0 -4.97866e+00 -4.97734e+00 -4.97734e+00
    1 1.16952e-04 1.11571e-04 0.00000e+00
    2 -4.63728e-01 -4.61804e-01 -4.61804e-01
    3 -1.28769e-03 -1.21311e-03 0.00000e+00
    4 -1.13754e-01 -1.14881e-01 -1.14881e-01
  • y_tw.dat

    input data G(\tau) in the imaginary-time domain

    • 1st column: \tau_i

    • 2nd column: y_i=G(\tau_i) (input data)

    • 3rd column: U S \bm{x}'

    • 4th column: U S \bm{z}'

    ex.) calculated results for fermion sample outputted as samples/fermion/output/lambda_opt/y_tw.dat.

    0.00000e+00 5.00734e-01 5.00687e-01 5.00294e-01
    2.49938e-04 4.90130e-01 4.90315e-01 4.89958e-01
    4.99875e-04 4.81350e-01 4.80277e-01 4.79953e-01
    7.49813e-04 4.71476e-01 4.70561e-01 4.70268e-01
    9.99750e-04 4.61762e-01 4.61154e-01 4.60890e-01

Gnuplot script files are given in the sample directory. In the output directory, type

gnuplot path_to_SpM/samples/plt/*

and in lambda_* directory, type

gnuplot path_to_SpM/samples/plt/lambda_fix/*